Four years ago the InterVarsity chapters at Illinois State and Illinois Wesleyan were replanted by staff (U of I alumni) and both chapters started to gain some momentum. But when those staff moved on to follow God’s call elsewhere, those chapters were in danger of losing that ground, and even closing down.
After significant discernment this spring, we’ve decided the U of I staff team will cover Bloomington-Normal for the next several years. In that time we hope to:
1. Maintain or strengthen recently unstaffed chapters at Illinois State and Wesleyan
2. Help develop new and existing staff to the point where a team could move to Bloomington-Normal for long-term stability
3. Grow in our ability to work and live within our limits and engage in ministry in an emotionally healthy way.
Would you pray against the temptations of a zero-sum mentality, and that God would pour out more blessing and growth on our staff and on the U of I work as we extend ourselves in faith?
by Trever Risinger