Over 170 InterVarsity staff have been recruited from the U of I, more than any other campus. Since 2006, we have hired over 32 staff from the undergrad chapter. Even so, each year good candidates cannot be considered because they do not have enough contacts to fund their ministry. Others start with InterVarsity, but their fundraising stalls before it provides long-term support. As the chapters have grown in size and diversity, this problem has become more common.
This is where the new Legacy Fund—and you—come in. Our goal is to accrue a principal of one hundred thousand dollars by 2018. That would function as a quasi-endowment to generate $4,000 in yearly income to recruit and retain high-potential staff at U of I, especially those from limited-network backgrounds (e.g., staff from ethnic minority communities, rural communities, or non-Christian backgrounds).
One-time or recurring gifts help build the principal toward immediate impact. Give online here.
I hope many of you will also consider estate gifts to invest and provide for the work at University of Illinois long-term. For this or other questions, please email Ted Rodgers at ted.rodgers@intervarsity.org.
by Trever Risinger