Contact Me

Fill out the form below and a student who lives near you on campus will contact you to tell you more about InterVarsity. Fields denoted with * are required.

    *Person completing this form:


    *Student First Name

    *Student Last Name

    Gender: MaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to say



    Campus Address (dorm & room # or apartment/house address)


    Year in School


    Check all that apply:

    New to InterVarsity
    International student

    How interested are you in a small group Bible study?

    (1 = not at all, 10 = Yes, definitely!)


    How excited are you about impacting U of I with your faith?

    (1 = not at all, 10 = Yes, definitely!)


    Social Media Handles

    Which way(s) would you prefer to be contacted by another student in your area?

    TextEmailInstagramSnapchatFacebook messengerPhone callIn person

    Comments or questions: